Wednesday 1 May 2013

Final Reflective Blog Post

This final post will reflect on the impact of digital on the marketing world namely how digital evolutions in the shape of online communication between marketer to consumer and between consumers themselves and the technologies enabling this communication have been and will continue to impact content marketing. Also commenting on and concluding my progress over the course of producing this blog.

Content marketing is a ‘pull’ marketing tool ‘essentially the practice of earning your customer’s attention through value-driven content.’ Content may come in the shape of print, blogs, articles, videos, images, infographics but whatever form it comes in its purpose is to engage its audience. (Forbes 2013)

It is a means for brands communicate their brand message to the consumer, providing information of value, interest or entertainment, but not selling their product. It means relationship building between the brand and consumer, enabling brands to develop positive reputations and trust among their consumers and those who influence their consumers. (Fishkin 2013)

A report from the Content Marketing Association revealed 73% of marketers approached believe they will increase or maintain their content marketing budgets in 2013. Proving 2013 to be a year predicted to see increased content marketing. (O’Reilly 2013) I think it seems this could be consequent to digital developments and launches that I covered in previous blog posts including; 4G, increased mobile internet accessibility (London Underground Wi-fi), increased usage of handheld devices, launch of Facebook Graph Search, better technology behind augmented reality.

Content marketing has been present for some time – Magazines relevant to a brands message and what interests their consumers are provided by many. Food retailer, Kraft pioneered in online content marketing with in 1992, a website providing recipes and other relevant food information.

The evolution of digital has provided marketers with technology that enables them to create every kind of content imaginable and also channels to interact with their consumers and distribute their content marketing through. (Penson 2013; Friedlein 2013)

The previous post on this blog highlighted how developments in mobile technology and the introduction of 4G will push mobile marketing to the forefront of marketers concerns. The explosion in Smartphone and tablet ownership and, as mentioned, increased accessibility whilst on the move means consumers are always online. This paired with the abundance of social media usage today means the speed at which successful content is passed on is immense.

‘Digital content has become the currency that drives audience, engagement and eventually revenue opportunities. It begins with the development of a good story and the capturing content worth sharing.’
                                                                                                    (Timmerman 2013)

Taking an SEO perspective on content marketing, marketers can research what people are already searching for and develop great content around keywords. (Forbes 2013) Currently major search engines like Google and Bing would be researched. However earlier this year, Facebook announced its launch of social search engine ‘Graph Search’ and although in its infancy it aims to ‘provide Facebook users with a deeper, more social search experience’ returning more relevant and meaningful content. (Mendez 2013) The semantic search engine will mean that for content marketers, they will be able to gain a better understanding than they already can of what their audiences want to see, enabling them to improve their content production. (Applegate 2013)

Once created, individuals present on social media continuously exchange videos, photographs and articles with one another and the content they share will reflect them. Hence content marketing needs to be relevant to what an organisations consumers’ holds of value to them. They want entertaining:

‘A more entertained audience is a more engaged audience, and a more engaged audience is an audience that has a higher likelihood of actually absorbing your message.’
(Forbes 2013)

Successful content marketing will engage audiences generating interest adding value and building a positive reputation and consequently a strong brand image.

As mentioned in blog post 5 (March 14th), the impact of borderless communication and stakeholders has meant transparency has been forced upon brands and business – ‘Brands no longer control the media, consumers do.’ (Friedlein 2013) I agree with this statement, I think obviously brands need to provide us with exciting content but once they have it will depend on the consumers feelings on whether the content is a success and shared. This can work positively and negatively for brands though so they must be authentic to ensure no negativity.

Social networks arguably provide the most instantaneous sharing of content, the richer media (photographs and video) most popular, ‘A recent study showed that video and image content had 94% more total views than content without.’ (Baybrook 2013) The ease of providing this kind of content is changing the way marketers can engage consumers compared to how they have done in the past. Printed simply could not play, until we were presented with augmented reality. However, just providing rich media content will not ensure content marketing success:

‘If you look at the brands doing content well, they have gone well beyond just repurposing a TV ad for YouTube. The content that works is designed for social and it’s also not just video, it’s even about the quality of a response to a question on Twitter.’
(O’Reilly 2013)

Judging not only from statistics but also noticing from my friends and my own behaviour, social networks are so much more present in our daily lives than they have been. Observing my friends and my behaviour online on social media sites, interacting with brands and seeing what is retweeted and shared reflects the demand for entertaining content that grabs my attention.
A sound example of a brand at the forefront of content marketing, which attracts and engages is Red Bull. Synonymous with adrenalin pumping sports and experiences, their marketing continuously displays content that resonates with their slogan ‘Red Bull gives you wings.’ They have quality content present across the social sphere and have produced some of the world’s most watched viral videos - more than 8 million people watched Felix Baumgartner’s Space jump live alone. (Marketing Magazine 2013; Kervin 2013)

‘Red Bull Stratus revolutionised marketing to the extreme. But stripped to its bones, this was still an extravagant advert for an energy drink.’
                                                                                                        (Klood 2013)

I know I couldn’t watch it live but the huge amount of people that asked me if I had seen it and made sure I watched it, shows the enormous impact that successful engaging content can have on the world and how the audiences behaviour can turn a video viral almost instantly.

‘In a time where people flit from one mobile device to another – all of which are connected twenty-four seven to a global platform of news, information and live interactive feedback, it is no wonder that marketing has become more imaginative.’
                                                                                                            (Klood 2013)

I feel that over the course of posting on my blog I got more comfortable with the site, blogger, and also feel my understanding of digital has improved massively. If you look at my first post on augmented reality compared to my last blog, I think it proves my progression. During this process my interest in keeping up to date with current digital and marketing trends has increased and I will continue to do so from now on. This process has opened my eyes to the increasingly enormous role digital plays in modern marketing. I will finish with a quote that I believe echoes this thought:

‘Digital is a mindset rather than just an executional approach. If you do not ‘get digital’ then you cannot be a modern marketer.’
                                                                                                            (Marketing Week 2013)

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